Sunday, May 9, 2010

Site Placement! (About a month behind on this post)

I have been in Rwanda for over a month now and am halfway done with training. I found out on Thursday that after I am done with my training, I am going to be living in the Rulindo district of Rwanda. It is located in the Northern Province. I am going to be working for the local NGO “Women Investment Fund” (WIF). It is an organization that provides support to women, orphans and vulnerable children, child headed households, and care givers. It is an organization that focuses on gender and health issues. It works to improve the socio-economic conditions of families and empower women. My primary job duties are in the area of program development and administration. I am still waiting to find out more specifically what I will be doing and should know within the next few weeks when I am closer to moving.

This week is going to be a great week. I am leaving for Kigali today. I will be staying in Kigali for the next couple of days along with the other trainees. There, we are going to be attending a job fair where we will meet our community guides. I will then leave Kigali either Tuesday or Wednesday with my counterpart to go and stay at my site until the end of the week. I get to visit my work, meet my coworkers, and introduce myself to local officials and community members. I will also learn more about what I will be doing for the next two years at my organization. I will fill everyone in on that as soon as possible. Hopefully I will get the chance to visit the house I will be staying in as well.

This will be the first time I will be without the other trainees and my language teachers. It is a little nerve racking. I am really going to have to apply everything that I have learned so far. It will be a good test to see how developed my language and communication skills are. It will also show me what things I need to work on for the next half of my training.

1 comment:

  1. If the child head of household is male, does he qualify or does it have to be female?
